Will be a journey in the medicine music.
Bringing songs thanking mother earth, medicinal plants ,the elements .
Songs from different countries ..from South America to Brazil to Italy.
Sitting in a circle, drinking hot herbal tea (bring your own cup if you can), listening the voice, the guitar and charango of Verdiana and also singing together if you'll feel it.
Come and let the music medicine help you to start your week in openness!
Verdiana is a traveler, musician and singer with a deep love for nature and a passion for creating meaningful human connections. After a decade as an educator and a transformative journey through Southeast Asia and Latin America, she immersed herself in the world of traditional medicine and ceremonial music in Ecuador. Now based in Europe, Verdiana shares her music in sacred ceremonies and practices the meditative art of "las chaquiras"—intricate mandalas, earrings, and bracelets crafted from glass beads.
She will also bring some of her creations giving the opportunity to admire or acquire them.